The Sundre project involved construction of an NPS 42 mainline along a new right of way that provides an important link between TransCanada’s Edson Mainline System and Western Alberta System.  Over the course of the project over 500 people were employed who contributed over 160,000 manhours to deliver the project safely and on time.  Over $4 million was spent in the town of Sundre and surrounding communities during construction.

Originally the project was slated to begin in August though was delayed to November.   Normally winter construction is fairly straight forward though in this part of the province the team had to be prepared for the possibility of Chinooks which could have made access along the right of way difficult.   Fortunately the weather cooperated for the most part and the project was completed with minimal difficulties.

The project is part of TransCanada’s $7.2 billion dollar commitment of near term growth capital to the NGTL system increasing the delivery capacity by 2.5 billion cubic feet per day by 2021.

Scope: 20 km x NPS 42

Year: 2018

Client: TransCanada PipeLines Ltd.


The Gravenhurst Project involved a 2.2km replacement of two lines including a trenchless crossing across the Severn River near Gravenhurst ON. Banister was responsible for replacing the two pipelines as well as supporting the Direct Pipe Installation (DPI) performed by others.

The project included some rock work where blasting and a hoe ram were utilized to excavate the rock from the ditch line.  Due to the depth of the excavation significant challenges emerged in stabilizing the trench walls and managing high ground water levels.  While the conventional pipeline installation went smoothly completing the difficult trenchless crossing through a dense rock and quartz formation utilizing the Direct Pipe Installation method presented some unique challenges.

Scope: 2.2 km x NPS 30 and NPS 36, 1 Direct Pipe Installation

Year: 2018-2019

Client: TransCanada Pipelines Corp.


Spread 7 of the Enbridge Line 3 Replacement involved the construction of approximately 101 km of NPS 36 pipeline across Southwestern Manitoba from Virden to Wawanesa. The project ran from August 2018 to March 2019, during which time over 4600 welds were made.

While the majority of the line paralleled existing pipelines this spread included a 20 km reroute through new territory. The reroute provided its own set of challenges including 51 pipeline crossings, unstable ground conditions and unusually high volumes of ground water culminating with enough water being pumped at a single crossing to fill 25 Olympic swimming pools. This area also involved travelling through several abandoned well sites where 13 unlisted utilities were discovered safely due to diligent ground disturbance practices.

At peak production, Banister employed more than 800 workers who contributed over 1.1 million man hours to complete the project. Over 20% of the workforce was comprised of local Indigenous workers. In addition, over $50 million of products and services were sourced from Indigenous suppliers and contractors.

Scope: 101 km x NPS 36, 2 HDDs

Year: 2018-2019

Client: Enbridge Inc.


Spread 5 and 6 of the Enbridge Line 3 Replacement involved the mainline construction of approximately 280 km of NPS 36 across eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba from Regina SK to Cromer MB. The project was executed from August 2018 to March 2019.

Spread 5 and 6 represented the largest single construction package on the entire Line 3 Replacement Program and required over 1,100 employees and subcontractors at its peak to complete. Banister averaged over 3km of production a day completing 163 trenchless crossings and a total of 12,000 welds.

Banister worked with 12 different First Nation and Metis communities sourcing over $75 million of services and materials from local Indigenous communities.

We are proud to say that we met our target production rates and remained on schedule to meet our client’s required in service date.

Scope: 280 km x NPS 36, 1 HDD

Year: 2018-2019

Client: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.


Spread 3 of the North Montney Mainline involved the mainline construction of approximately 62 km of NPS 42 in northeast BC commencing from the north side of the Halfway River following existing and new right of ways to the northeast, across highway 97 extending approximately 15 km northeast along the Tommy Lakes Road. The project was executed from August 2018 to March 2019.

Spread 3 represented one third of the construction package on the NGTL North Montney Mainline Project and required over 700 employees and subcontractors at its peak to complete. Banister averaged over 1.5 km / day production over very challenging terrain including heavy timber clearing, significant wetlands as well as numerous steep slope construction areas along the entire length of the project.

Banister worked with 15 First Nation and Metis communities sourcing over $35 million of services and materials from local Indigenous communities.  

We are proud to say that we met our target production rates and remained on schedule to meet our client’s required in service date.

Scope: 62 km x NPS 42

Horizontal Bore highway 97. Open Cut Townsend River & Cameron River

Year: Fall 2018 – Winter 2019

Client:  TransCanada PipeLines / NGTL